Ask The Man™: 3 Tips for Success in Kona

Lately I’ve been getting numerous requests from triathletes who want insights on how to race — and not just complete — the Hawaii IRONMAN. This is a massive topic (and I’ll be presenting very detailed advice as October nears) but, for now, check out this video where I provide 3 fundamental tips that are helpful in [...]

Ripped! 12 Tips to Achieve Your Ideal Racing Weight

I'm frequently asked about the best ways to attain your ideal racing weight. As triathletes, we must strive to attain that perfect balance between lean body mass, power and immune health (it does no good to drop so much weight that we get a cold during race week, or if we feel dead trying to run up [...]

By |2019-05-01T06:12:50-06:00April 12th, 2017|Articles, Ask The Man, Bike, Nutrition, Run, Strength, Swim, Training, Training Articles|

My Secret to Increasing Your Cycling Speed

Hey Gang, Have you ever felt that your cycling speed has plateaued and – even though you can ride further -- you just can’t seem to ride faster? This #WorkoutWednesday powered by BioAstin is a mixed threshold bike set.  I love these sessions! It's one of  the best ways to break through that barrier and improve your [...]

By |2017-04-12T20:58:44-06:00April 11th, 2017|Articles, Bike, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Workout Wednesday with BioAstin: Alleviating Hamstring and Low Back Tightness

Hi Dave, I finished my first Olympic-distance triathlon in October 2016 and my left hamstring and lower back have become tighter and more aggravated during the off-season. Can neck tightness and lower back stiffness on the bike be resolved with core exercises like yoga? I also have left leg tightness through my hamstring, piriformis, quads, [...]

By |2017-04-05T11:54:19-06:00April 5th, 2017|Articles, Ask The Man, Bike, Run, Strength, Training, Training Articles|

Workout Wednesday with BioAstin – Introducing the Skate Stroke

In this edition of #WorkoutWednesday, I'll introduce a useful drill that will help you improve your freestyle form.  It's called the "skate stroke" and I use it frequently with my swim group in Boulder, Colorado. If you give this workout a try, let me know how it went. Get in touch with me on Facebook [...]

By |2017-03-28T16:26:41-06:00March 28th, 2017|Articles, Swim, Training, Training Articles, Videos, Workout Wednesday|
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