Keep Sharp with These Late-Taper Workouts

Tapering for the "Big Race" can be a challenging balancing act. The most common issue I see among triathletes preparing for their “A race” is doing too much and arriving at the event fatigued... OR relaxing too much during the final week and giving away fitness. Here's my solution for getting your late-taper just right: As you dial [...]

By |2017-09-27T13:16:25-06:00September 27th, 2017|Articles, Bike, BioAstin, Racing, Run, Swim, Workout Wednesday|

Are You Addicted to Technology?

All of the latest technology devices are helpful tools for training and racing, but it's important not to be overly dependent on them. Could you race without your GPS device or power meter? From time to time while training, practice going without your gizmos. Listen to your intuition and the feedback your body is providing.  Can [...]

By |2017-09-13T08:38:20-06:00September 12th, 2017|Articles, Bike, Run, Swim, Training, Training Articles, Videos, Vintage Dave|

Get Fitter and Faster on the Bike with High Intensity Intervals

To be a faster cyclist, you’ve got to put in the work. This workout is tough and includes high intensity interval training (HIIT) that should leave you spent by the end of the session. Short, hard intervals help increase your power output, recruit fast twitch muscle fibers and will elevate your overall economy and speed [...]

By |2017-09-05T20:58:16-06:00September 5th, 2017|Articles, Bike, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Making Your Bike-Run Brick Count!

When most triathletes think of a brick, they think of a several hours-long bike ride followed by a short 20 minute run. This makes my skin crawl! I’ve already talked about ways you can mix-up your brick workouts with a ‘non-traditional’ swim-bike brick or a run-bike-run brick.  Today let's take a look at the traditional bike-run [...]

By |2017-08-29T08:43:32-06:00August 29th, 2017|Bike, HOKA, Run, Training, Training Articles, Uncategorized|

Practicing Race Day Unknowns, Part 2: Surges on the Bike

This is the second in my 3-part series of Workout Wednesdays powered by Bioastin on how to structure your training to prepare for the host of unknowns in races. For today’s session, let’s talk about the bike. You can see my session on the swim from last week here and next week I’ll be discussing the [...]

Run-Bike-Run Bricks: Get Stronger & Reduce Injury

As many of you know, I like to mix up brick workouts and do much, much more than the traditional bike-run brick! If you’ve never tried a run-bike-run brick before I’d highly recommend including it in your training along with the swim-bike brick I wrote about earlier. The run-bike-run training is great for all triathlon distances [...]

By |2017-07-12T09:28:29-06:00July 12th, 2017|Articles, Bike, Run, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|
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