To be a faster cyclist, you’ve got to put in the work. This workout is tough and includes high intensity interval training (HIIT) that should leave you spent by the end of the session. Short, hard intervals help increase your power output, recruit fast twitch muscle fibers and will elevate your overall economy and speed on the bike.

This is a great session to add in your training mix for any distance race you are training for—from sprint to IRONMAN. All race distances have different variables thrown in from hills and long false flats to surges from your competitors. This HIIT session will have you ready for anything and make you stronger in the process!

Also, varying your pace in your workouts will allow you to truly assess your fluid and food intake. Racing is a fine mix of proper training and understanding your nutritional needs. HIIT efforts like the workout below teach both lessons.

Today’s bike HIIT session is a ladder workout and also includes three longer standing segments that allow short periods to stretch out your hip flexors, quads and back.

The standing segments should not be an energy drain. When you practice these, note your power, speed, heart rate or perceived exertion. If you’re economical, quite often going back to a seated position after standing, your legs will feel refreshed. Mine always did and I used standing as an asset!

Try this session one time per week or twice with at least two days in between sessions. Soon, you’ll be putting the hurt on your riding buddies and competitors in a race. If you give this workout a try, let me know how it went. Get in touch with me on Facebook or Twitter.



Warm Up

10 minutes

Main Set

Remember these are HARD efforts!

3 x 30 sec seated

2 min standing

2 x 40 sec

90 sec standing

50 sec

1 min standing

Rest Interval (RI) between all segments is 90 sec at slower than aerobic power or speed.

On the standing segments maintain an rpm of 66 to 72. All seated segments rpms are 90 to 96 with the final 10 sec of each repeat accelerating to 100+ rpms.

10 to 15 min easy cycling after 1 min standing.

Repeat the set in reverse order.


Cool Down

10 min easy spinning.

#WorkoutWednesday is powered by BioAstin, one of my top 5 recommended supplements.  BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that supports cardiovascular health and muscle recovery… perfect for athletes who are training hard.