Ride Shimano Radio – Episode 16: Kona with Craig Alexander and Dave Scott
Tune into Ride Shimano Radio at the 2019 Kona World Championships with two legends of the sport, Craig Alexander and Dave Scott. Listen Now!
Tune into Ride Shimano Radio at the 2019 Kona World Championships with two legends of the sport, Craig Alexander and Dave Scott. Listen Now!
Here are my tips on how to optimize your nutrition and improve your racing if you have a high sweat rate. https://youtu.be/2X45C7UVj54
On October 14, 1989 at the Ironman® Triathlon World Championship the universe of sport was changed forever when Dave Scott and Mark Allen ran “The Greatest Race Ever Run” pushing each other to the breaking point, and then pushing harder for more than eight hours, never separated by more than a few feet.
It is never a good idea to skip your warm up especially if you are jumping in on a fast workout. Warming up is vital for several reasons and provides several physiological and psychological benefits.
There should be a combination of both seated and standing when climbing. I do not have a steadfast formula on how much you should do of each. There are several variables that affect climbing on your bike including the gradient of the hills as well as the muscle physiology and biomechanics of each individual. With practice you can develop your own rhythm of how to stand and sit while climbing on the bike.
During your race do you find yourself hitting the port-a-potty? Athletes often think it’s something they’ve done during the race that results in these issues, however, many times triathletes will unknowingly sabotage their race before it even starts by making these common pre-race fueling mistakes.
This is a shot in Nice in 1982 or 1983, I do not recall. Helmets were not required during the race, and I certainly was not concerned about protecting my skin. With lifeguarding for years and transitioning to triathlons in my teens, twenties and early thirties, protecting my skin was not my priority. I paid [...]