Run Faster Uphill: Dave’s Hills + Flats Workout

Oftentimes when I see athletes running uphill during a race, they falter near the top and lose their form and speed. If you have a hilly race on your calendar or if your legs feel tanked every time you finish a hill session, then this workout will help. Today's Workout Wednesday powered by Bioastin will help develop [...]

By |2017-05-31T08:55:33-06:00May 31st, 2017|Articles, BioAstin, HOKA, Run, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Swing Pace Run Session: Get Faster & Dial-in Your Race Pace

Getting faster on your run takes work and commitment. It's attainable but there’s no easy way to gain speed! But -- with the right training and purposeful effort -- you can achieve your PR goals. I’ve designed several workouts for swim, bike and run that incorporate "Swing Pace" efforts to help athletes learn pacing and prepare them [...]

By |2017-05-17T09:32:43-06:00May 17th, 2017|Articles, BioAstin, HOKA, Run, Training, Training Articles|

Workout Wednesday with BioAstin – Running Slow & Super Super Fast

Hey Gang, Today's #WorkoutWednesday is a generally slow run with repeated injections of short, fast intervals. I'm frequently asked: How do I become more efficient with my training?  Sessions like this HIIT workout are part of my answer! I'm also asked: How long until I see an improvement in my speed?  The good news is that [...]

By |2017-03-22T11:33:56-06:00March 22nd, 2017|Articles, BioAstin, Run, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|
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