Run Faster Uphill: Dave’s Hills + Flats Workout

Oftentimes when I see athletes running uphill during a race, they falter near the top and lose their form and speed. If you have a hilly race on your calendar or if your legs feel tanked every time you finish a hill session, then this workout will help. Today's Workout Wednesday powered by Bioastin will help develop [...]

By |2017-05-31T08:55:33-06:00May 31st, 2017|Articles, BioAstin, HOKA, Run, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Get out of Your Cycling Rut with this Total Speed Session

Many times triathletes train at just one speed: slow and steady. It’s easy to neglect your top end if you’re just focusing on completing miles each week. However there is a huge benefit for triathletes to incorporate high-end anaerobic endurance repeats within a workout to stimulate fast twitch muscle fibers. By including these super-fast short [...]

By |2017-05-03T09:29:10-06:00May 3rd, 2017|Articles, Bike, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Mix Up Your Swim Set & Become More Powerful with These Drills

After spending last weekend at Ironman Texas with ATV Swim Spas, I spoke to a fair number of athletes who are looking to break up the monotony of their swim workouts. This week's workout is a fun, high intensity session that uses different muscle groups than your typical freestyle sets. Adding different strokes during your [...]

By |2017-04-25T19:02:07-06:00April 25th, 2017|Articles, Swim, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

My Secret to Increasing Your Cycling Speed

Hey Gang, Have you ever felt that your cycling speed has plateaued and – even though you can ride further -- you just can’t seem to ride faster? This #WorkoutWednesday powered by BioAstin is a mixed threshold bike set.  I love these sessions! It's one of  the best ways to break through that barrier and improve your [...]

By |2017-04-12T20:58:44-06:00April 11th, 2017|Articles, Bike, Training, Training Articles, Workout Wednesday|

Workout Wednesday with BioAstin – Introducing the Skate Stroke

In this edition of #WorkoutWednesday, I'll introduce a useful drill that will help you improve your freestyle form.  It's called the "skate stroke" and I use it frequently with my swim group in Boulder, Colorado. If you give this workout a try, let me know how it went. Get in touch with me on Facebook [...]

By |2017-03-28T16:26:41-06:00March 28th, 2017|Articles, Swim, Training, Training Articles, Videos, Workout Wednesday|
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