
Cycling Articles & Videos

  • dave swimming

Swim, Bike, Run HIIT For The Holidays

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With the holiday season upon us, life has become especially busy!  With work, travel, holiday parties and family obligations it’s often difficult to find time to train. I’ve discovered that keeping to a daily exercise routine during [...]

The Key Ingredients of Effective Bodywork

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Strength, stretching and mobility training -- otherwise known as bodywork --  are crucial to your triathlon program.  I recommend that you always include bodywork in your training, even if you have to give up some of [...]

Never Give Up On Yourself

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In this shot from the 1984 IRONMAN World Championship, I was way behind Mark Allen in Hawi (the halfway point on the bike leg).  Mark had set a blistering pace that I couldn’t match during the first [...]

5 Tips for Better Indoor Cycling

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As winter approaches in the Northern Hemisphere some athletes will spend most of their cycling time indoors. Often indoor cycling workouts turn into hammer sessions where athletes push themselves so hard that they forget about [...]

My Post-Thanksgiving 50-40-30 Brick

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After a gluttonous Thanksgiving (or any other major holiday), it’s no wonder that many of us are feeling sluggish. I have just the antidote: My 50-40-30 Brick Workout! This fun session will snap you out [...]

Why Train with Power?

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You’ve probably heard that training with power is the “gold standard” of optimizing your cycling training. A power meter is a wise investment for any triathlete looking to improve their cycling ability. I’ve currently been [...]

  • Dave riding

My Super Threshold Cycling Session

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Want to become a stronger cyclist on all types of terrain? Then give this workout a try. For my latest installment of Workout Wednesday powered by BioAstin, I share this demanding bike session that is [...]

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