Swimming Articles & Videos
Are You Addicted to Technology?
All of the latest technology devices are helpful tools for training and racing, but it's important not to be overly dependent on them. Could you race without your GPS device or power meter? From time [...]
Swimming Faster: Backstroke with Fins Helps Your Freestyle
It might be counterintuitive, but performing kicking drills while on your back and swimming backstroke with fins will improve your freestyle technique. Watch this drill, then give it a try. It really feels great, too! [...]
4 Shortcuts to Faster Open Water Swims
It’s frustrating when you do the work in the pool to improve your swim splits and then -- during a race -- discover that your open water splits are much slower than you expected! The key to improving [...]
How to Find a Higher Gear in Your Swim
Training for the swim leg of a triathlon takes purposeful practice; too many triathletes simply swim mindless meters and then can't understand why they're not getting faster. Understanding the nuances of how the swim leg typically [...]
Swimming Faster: Freestyle with 1 Paddle & 2 Fins
I find this drill extremely beneficial for beginners to advanced swimmers to help with their freestyle technique. This drill helps build leg strength, hip flexor mobility and hand & elbow positions--all which help make you [...]
Plan & Practice for Race Day Unknowns — Part 1: The Swim
This week, I’ll be kicking off my 3-part series of Workout Wednesday sessions on how to prepare for the host of unknowns that you'll face in a race. We’ve all been there: Despite being [...]
Swimming Faster: Freestyle with Tennis Balls
One of my favorite drills is swimming with tennis balls. This drill–as silly as it may seem–can dramatically improve your stroke and hand position in the water. Watch the demonstration in the video below to [...]
Training for Open Water Race Pace
Practicing in open water at a race pace effort is a valuable experience going into your key events of the year. This workout includes longer threshold -- or race pace -- efforts with short bursts of [...]
The Brick Workout You Aren’t Doing… But Should!
The majority of triathletes consider a brick workout to be a bike-run session. Rarely do they include a swim-bike brick in their training plan. If you haven’t tried a swim-bike brick before, you are missing [...]