Mobility, Stretching & Strengthg Articles & Videos
Limited Time? Train with 9 Hours a Week
Most of us squeeze our training time around work, family and other life commitments. For those of you who have limited time to devote to triathlon, I'd like to share my thoughts on how to structure your [...]
AskDS6x: How Should I Train My Fast Twitch Muscles?
When one trains their fast twitch muscle fibers, they reap the greatest benefits in training and ultimately racing. Fast twitch muscle has 5 times the contracted force of a slow twitch muscle and has the [...]
AskDaveScott6x: Proper Hip Placement on the Bike for Max. Power
This week Dave answers a fan question, "what should be my proper hip placement on the bike to ensure maximum power output." AskDaveScott6x Hip Placement on the Bike